Why You Aren't Getting Hired

Job searching can be pretty defeating. There’s the excitement when you see a job posting that actually looks like something you’d want to do everyday followed by the feeling of accomplishment once you send off your application online. Then you wait. And you wait some more. And 99% of the time, nothing happens. Rewind and repeat that several times over the course of many weeks (or months), you have the perfect recipe for self-doubt. Over time you start wondering what’s wrong with you. Let me tell you, there is nothing wrong with you, it’s your approach that stinks.

The problem with that approach is it’s passive. Put bluntly, it’s lazy. Would you hire someone who only does the bare minimum to get noticed? To get hired? By bare minimum, I mean all they did was apply online, they did nothing else to stand out and set themself apart. No, you wouldn’t hire that person and neither would I. If you’re frustrated, and I get it (!), then it’s time to rethink your approach. I promise you, there is a better way and it works.

I believe there are 5 steps to land your dream job and applying online is step 4. Most people think it’s step 1 and that there is only 1 step.

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I hope my 5 steps visual gives you some inspiration to truly go after that next posting that you see that excites you. If you really want it, then really put in the effort.

If you want to dive into my recommendations for each step, check out my book, “Made To Hire: How to Get the Job You Really Want.” I’ve helped countless people rejig their approach and land their dream job.